serve at red sea

We believe God has given us each gifts to serve Him and serve others. We invite you to join a ministry team below. 


If you love Jesus and love kids then consider joining the Kids Community Team! Our volunteers serve one Sunday a month. If you are interested, contact Zack Shoote for more information.



We recently launched a weekly Youth Community Gathering led by a group of volunteers. If you're interested in serving students, please contact Zack Shoote



Do you love helping people feel welcome and at home in a new place? If so, please contact Paul Kurth to get involved. 



If you enjoy meeting new people, then consider helping out with Hospitality on Sundays as either a Barista at our Coffee Bar. Contact Jim Tung for more info.



We are looking for some Ushers to help out on Sunday mornings during our gatherings. If you are interested and excited about connecting with guests and friends alike each week, please contact Paul Kurth.



If you have a knack for audio/video, lights and anything tech related, we are always looking for volunteers to join our team. Please email us for more information.



We are blessed to have a team of people who volunteer to clean the auditorium each week. Once a month you would be responsible for getting the auditorium ready for the Sunday gathering. If you are interested in joining this team please e-mail us.